Saturday, January 19, 2008

The final installment

OK, so it's long overdue but here are the final posts, at long last. After a few weeks of actual work and studying, I sold my road bike, boxxed up the mountain bike (which ought to publish its own blog from its travels through homeland security. Next time I'll just buy my bike a plane seat...) and hit the road for two final weeks of backpacking, skiing, and road tripping. Below are the pics from those final adventures. I broke the final weeks into three posts for each of the three trips. The quoted pieces are pulled from my journal. Big thanks to Zoe and Missy for a few borrowed photos, and thanks to Annika, Caitlin, Missy, Val and Zoe for helping close out an amazing semester with such a stellar set of final adventures. Lastly, thanks to everyone who kept in touch while I was gone.


"July 19, 2007

Ethan Allen Express (NYC-Rutland, Vermont) (Albany area)
Nearing the end of a long road. I saw dark clouds in the distance reminding me of even farther distant peaks. It feels like the rainforest here. Everything is so green and wet. All this green was hidden when I left. Where do you go for 6 months a year only to show up for the warmer months?
I keep thinking I’m on the west coast. I keep looking for the teal rivers and the snow clad peaks, for a silhouetted rimu or a stand of fern trees. Instead I see roads sprawling everywhere, telephone poles, cars, people – America.
I can’t wait to get back, to what I don’t know, to my home, to New Zealand? I can’t wait to leave, but I haven’t even got where I’m going. I’m so anxious, it feels like I’ve started all over again, but have no where to go."

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